The best way to travel

We are more than a transport service

Start your trip now!

With 1-800 Taxista you will be able to find trusted local drivers, so that they be able to pick you up and drive you to your desired destination. Our drivers are trained professionals and were carefully selected by our licensed fleets in order to provide you with the best possible experience when traveling to our great cities. Our drivers will answer any or all questions before or during your trip.

Travel safe with us

From the moment you request a driver with 1-800 Taxista, until the moment you arrive at your destination, we take care of offerring you the best possible service and travel experience with a 100% ready to goanywhere
trained and knowledgeable


Start your trip

You are a few minutes away from booking your trip

Trained drivers

Fully trained drivers to
give you the best trip.

Contactless travel

When requesting your
trip, you can choose to
have zero contact with
your local driver, this
will not help you with
your luggage or give
you a hand.

Car sanitization

Our drivers disinfect and
keep the car clean according
to the security protocol.

Discover more destinations

Know all the destinations that we have available for you when traveling with us, find the right driver for you wherever you are, travel safely and with confidence.

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